Tuesday 21 June 2011

Christian Porn - How to Break Free

Dating Girls  Hot Wife SwingingPornography is a destructive problem. Even among Christians, porn is a real issue. Coupled with the addictive nature of a pornography habit, the shame and secret guilt of Christian porn users drives many men and women to despair. But what can be done to break these addictive and destructive behaviours?
If you are addicted to sexual images in magazines, or on the Internet, there is help available. Several courses exist that are designed specifically to help lead you to freedom. One such course pints out the fact that porn addiction is actually not so much an addiction to nude images, but is actually a drug addiction to the hormones a that are released into the body when viewing pornography.
For the Christian porn is irreconcilable with their inner reality that we serve a holy God, whose desire for our lives is that we live in purity and freedom from anything that holds power over our lives. The Scriptures clearly say that Jesus it was for freedom that Jesus came to set us free, and that we can learn to stand in this freedom and enjoy the fruits of following Christ without the pain and anguish caused by such addictions.
Just as a habit is formed over time, so with time, energy and faith it is possible to break patterns of thought and behaviours that we know to be detrimental to our own well being and the well being of our families. By making ourselves accountable through seriously considered quality decisions, and by following proven step-by-step procedures, you can know the freedom that you were born for, and look forward to relationships that are not hampered by sexually addictive patterns of thought and action.